I am the wife of one and the momma of four. We have two kids in college and two kids starting back at the beginning – kindergarten and 1st grade. No, it’s not any easier the second time around. No, it wasn’t an accident, we did this on purpose. Yes, I am aging like a dog (1 calendar year equals 7 aging years). And, yes, I feel my age EVERY. STINKIN. DAY.
Not only are we on our second round of kids, we are also on our second career. For the first 14 years of our marriage, Keith was in the Navy. For the past 10 years we’ve been back in the panhandle of Texas where he’s enjoying his second career as a civilian. While there were challenges when he was deployed for months at a time, there are different challenges having him home every day. I write about both.
I also write about being a homeschool mom. We started homeschooling with a pre-K program back in 2005. We thought it would only last while we were overseas… then, well maybe just through elementary school. At that point the idea of sending our girls to junior high was enough to keep me up at night – for years. By the time they entered high school I knew where the gaps were, and where the strengths were. Homeschooling worked for us and made sense. It also afforded us the opportunity to pursue extra-curricular activities at a time that was convenient for us all.